The Real Cost of Mum Guilt


I recently asked my community, if I could take away one of your problems with a magic wand, what would it be?

The overwhelmingly biggest response was: mum guilt.

Mums! Why are you feeling so bad about bringing people into the world?!

Being a woman is enough to cope with, but how many women in my life are coping with this extra layer of guilt, shame and pressure?

I’ve invited mum and mum-coach Leanne Sia into the pod to pummel her with questions and get us some answers. 

Leanne Sia is an ex-corporate girl turned rock-star life coach/personal cheerleader, on a mission to help women to tell their inner critic to shut the f*ck up so that they can own their worth and live their best life.

Leanne has two degrees, is a qualified BYCA (Beautiful You Coaching Academy) coach and was a SHINE award finalist in 2021. She has 2 daughters, loves traveling, ugly shoes, decaf tea, houseplants, the colour yellow and firmly believes that tea tastes better in her favourite mug. 

We get into:

  • The added mental load motherhood brings and how women aren’t coping with it.

  • The real cost of this mum guilt to mums and their children.

  • Those dark beliefs we have about ourselves that cause anxiety

  • Martyr Mum Vs Model Mum

This episode isn’t just for mums, we go into the thoughts that cause us to have low self esteem and how to flip the switch on them.

If you’ve been treating self care as a luxury you can’t afford, this episode is for you.

You can follow Leanne’s work on:




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