Your time freedom begins now

Stop the excuses and learn how to create time for the big shit that matters to you.

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You know you’re destined for a life of

but you can’t keep up this pace. 

You want to find the escape hatch

but you don’t want to give up what you’ve achieved.

You don’t have the energy to climb back up there again.

Don’t you want more?


time, ease, self care, living your values, and standing up for yourself?

Of course you do,

But you always end up at the back of the queue for your own time and energy.

You’re a big-hearted, service minded, hard working human

who came here with a mission to leave the world a better place.

But somewhere along the way this got hard, really hard, and now you’re overwhelmed, burnt out and exhausted. 

I’ve been there.

Just thinking about my big plans to serve humanity left me frustrated to tears and feeling foolish because I’d failed to take care of myself, never mind the rest of the planet. 

Then I learned the power of putting myself first.

  • I took the leap outside of the tiny “good girl” box that I’d been handed at birth and had long outgrown. 

  • I discovered a way to show up as the best version of me without sacrificing my self worth (or being a giant dick)

  • I’ve created a community of clients who speak their minds, know their worth, ask for what they need and step into their divine warrior queen energy every day. These women are creating business and careers that they love - and that love them right back.

It all starts with a simple practice.

Hey there, I’m Wendy Windle

The Love Your Bloody Self Coach.

My mission is to find every good girl who grew up to be a people pleaser and put her back at the front of the queue for love.

When you break out of the good girl trap by building the boundaries that get back your time,

you will become the force for good you know deep down you are. 

You came here to do something really special and you have so much to give,

but you’re giving it all away for free and having zero impact at the

expense of yourself.

It’s time to get back time for you and give from a place of overflow and abundance,

not the dregs of you left on the carpet.

You need to get back your time as well as your energy and your friggin’ mojo

It starts with you.

It starts now.