Are you Blocking Your Own Intuition?


One of the questions I get asked most by clients is, “How do I get in touch with my intuition?”

Sora Shilling, a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, and powerful medicine woman, sat down with me to get into the crevices of this question. We cover:

  • The hidden cost of looking up to people

  • How social masks keep us locked away from ourselves

  • Why difficult conversations are a sign of having great intuition

…and so much more. If you’re a spiritual bunny, or someone who wants to get to know themselves better, this episode is full of inspiration for your journey.

Sora can be found at: Devoted Energy Coaching School

Don’t forget to head to get your free copy of 5 ways to build boundaries that get back time for you.


How “love and light” blind us from the truth


Someone else's story